Time Frame Covered
Title of Collection or Index
URL or Family History Library Call #
Bible Records
Langley, Elizabeth B., Bible Records of Missouri.
Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather. Bible Records of Missouri.
Alternate Title: Ancestry.com Database, Missouri Bible Records Vol. 1
Conard, Howard Louis, Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri, A Compendium of History and Biography For Ready Reference.
Wilson, George F., Early Missouri Ancestors: From Newspapers. Vol. 1 1808–1822; vol. 2 1823–1832.
FHL book 977.8 B32w vols. 1–2
Cemetery Records
Missouri Cemetery Records: Reprinted from Twenty Years of The Kansas City Genealogist. Records from 26 counties.
FHL book 977.8 V3m; fiche 6101174
Wilson, J. E., 196 Cemeteries of Missouri.
FHL film 1035921 item 1
Cemetery Records of Missouri.
Wardle, N. J.,Cemetery Records of Missouri.
Yarnell, Ilene Sims. Missouri Biography, Obituaries, and Cemetery Records. Prepared by DAR members.
FHL book 977.8 D3y
Court Records
Johnson, Clark V., Mormon Redress Petitions: Documents of the 1833–1838 Missouri Conflict. Alphabetical.
FHL book 977.8 K29j
Family History
Bryan, William S., and Robert Rose, History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri, a History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri, With Numerous Sketches, Anecdotes, Adventures, etc. Relating to Early Days in Missouri: Also the Lines of Daniel Boone and the Celebrated Indian Chief Black Hawk, With Numerous Biographies and Histories of Primitive Institutions.
Smith, Mellcene Thurman, History and Lineage Book, National Society Daughters of the American Colonists in Missouri. Has the names of descendants.
Alternate Title: National Society Daughters of the American Colonist.
Missouri State Directory Daughters of the American Revolution. Has names of descendants. Has indexes.
Alternate Title: DAR Library
Shelby, James A., Centennial History & Registry Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution, 1889–1989: Has index.
FHL book 977.8 C4sj
Revolutionary Soldiers and Their Descendants, Genealogical Records: Missouri Edition. Does not list very many soldiers. Includes index.
Houck, Louis, ed., The Spanish Regime in Missouri: A Collection of Papers and Documents Relating to Upper Louisiana Principally Within the Present Limits of Missouri During the Dominion of Spain, From the Archives of the Indies at Seville. Indexed. Has lists of early settlers. Includes papers and documents relating to upper Louisiana, mostly within the present limits of Missouri during dominion of Spain, from archives of the Indies at Seville.
FHL film 1723770, vols.1–2.
Vol. 1 available online at Google Book
Both volumes also online at Ancestry.com under same title.
Eddlemon, Sherida K., Missouri Genealogical Records and Abstracts. Has surname index by Marlene Towle.
FHL book 977.8 R4e, vols.1–5
Hodges, Nadine. Missouri Pioneers, County and Genealogical Records.
Woodruff, H. W.Missouri Miscellany: Statewide Missouri Genealogical Records. Some volumes include indexes.
Watts, John J., John J. Watts Collection, of Genealogical Records Index A.B.,1830–1907. Rev. Watts was a Baptist circuit riding preacher.
FHL book 977.8 D22j
FHL film 1320994 item 10
Genealogies & Genealogical Collections
Missouri State Genealogical Association Four Generation Charts: Surname Book. Lists ancestors, with names and addresses of descendants. Has about 8,000 surnames.
FHL book 977.8 D2ms, vols. 1–7
Alternate Title: 4-Generation Charts at Missouri State Genealogical Association Website.
Burgess, Roy, Early Missourians and Kin, a Genealogical Compilation of Interrelated Early Missouri Settlers, Their Ancestors, Descendants, and Other Kin.
FHL book 977.8 D2rb, vols.1–2
FHL fiche 6088541–542
Conard, Howard Louis. Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri, A Compendium of History and Biography For Ready Reference.
FHL book 977.8 H2c;
FHL films beginning with 1000272
FHL fiche 6051492
Vol. 2 also available at Internet Archive under same title.
Vol 1, & 3-6 also available free at Google books.
Land Records
First Settlers of the Missouri Territory. From early land grants.
FHL book 977.8 R2f, vols.1–2
Ingmire, Frances Terry, Citizens of Missouri. From early land grants.
FHL book 977.8 R2i, vols. 1–3
Military Records
Revolutionary Soldiers and Their Descendants, Genealogical Records: Missouri Edition. Does not list very many soldiers. Includes index.
Missouri. Adjutant General’s Office. Military Records, 1812–1904. Has alphabetical lists for Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, etc.
Alternate Title: Fold3 Title, US Military Historical Record.
Houts, Alice Kinyoun. Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Missouri. Alphabetical.
FHL book 977.8 M2ha
United States. Adjutant General’s Office. Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Missouri.
Compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Missouri
United States. Veterans Administration. General Index to Pension Files, 1861–1934. This is a card index to pension applications of Civil War and Spanish-American War veterans; copies of the original files may be ordered from the National Archives.
Alternate Title: Civil War and Later Veterans Pension Index (1861-1900) at Fold3 website.
http://www.fold3.com/ From the Records Drop Down Menu select “List All Records” then use the search window to find by title.
DeGood, Harold. An Index, Civil War Veterans and Widows, 1890 Census.
FHL book 977.8 X28d 1890
Dilts, Brian Lee. 1890 Missouri Census Index of Civil War Veterans or Their Widows.
FHL book 977.8 X2d
United States. Adjutant General’s Office, Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Missouri, 1861–1865. The compiled records are also on film.
Missouri. Adjutant General’s Office, Confederate Pension Applications and Soldiers’ Home Admission Applications. Alphabetical.
1580- Present
The Pioneer Wagon. A periodical.
FHL book 977.8 D25p
Missouri State Genealogical Association Journal. Indexed.
FHL book 977.8 D25m
Ozarks Genealogical Society, Ozar’kin: Ozarks Genealogical Society. Indexed.
FHL book 977.8 D25o
Tax Records
Stanley, Lois. Missouri Taxpayers, 1819–1826.
FHL book 977.8 R4s
Vital Records
Stanley, Lois, Death Records of Pioneer Missouri Women, 1808–1849.
Wilson, George F., Death Records of Missouri Men From Newspapers, 1808–1854.
Wilson, George F., 1300 “Missing” Missouri Marriage Records From Newspapers, 1812–1853.
Ormesher, Susan, Missouri Marriages Before 1840. Marriages about 1804–1840.
Carter, Mrs. J. R. Early Missouri Marriages to 1840 Taken From the Following Counties: Audrain, Barry, Benton, Buchanan, Callaway, Carroll, Chariton. Clay, Clinton, Cole, Cooper, Daviess, Henry, Howard, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Lafayette, Lincoln, Pettis, Pike, Platte, Randolph, Ray, Saline
FHL book 977.8 V25c, vols.1–3; films 928077 item 4–5 and 823928 item 4.
Stanley, Lois, Divorces and Separations in Missouri, 1808–1853.
Stanley, Lois, Early Missouri Marriages in the News, 1820–1853. Includes index.
FHL book 977.8 V2se.
Stanley, Lois, et. al., Death Records from Missouri Newspapers: January 1854–December 1860.
Stanley, Lois, Death Records from Missouri Newspapers: The Civil War Years, January 1861–December 1865.
Stanley, Lois, et. al., Death Records from Missouri Newspapers: January 1866–December 1870.
FHL book 977.8 V4sd.
Stanley, Lois, Missouri Marriages in the News. From newspapers dated 1851–1870.
Death records from 1909 to present.
At the Missouri Department of Health. Online at Missouri Digital Heritage http://www.sos.mo.gov/mdh/
Marriage records from 1909 to present.
At the Missouri Department of Health. Online at Missouri Digital Heritage http://www.sos.mo.gov/mdh/