Time Frame Covered |
Title of Collection or Index |
URL or Family History Library Call # |
Bible Records |
1700–1970 |
Kirkham, E. Kay. An Index to Some of the Family Records of the Southern States: 35,000 Microfilm References From the NSDAR Files and Elsewhere |
FHL Book 973 D22kk v. 2; online at FamilySearch. Go to http://www.familysearch.org From the main screen click on “Search” then click on “Books” in the menu and search by title. |
Cemetery Records |
1700-1860 |
Brakebill, Clovis. Revolutionary War Graves Register. Includes lady patriots, black soldiers, Jewish patriots and soldiers, Germans and French. About 53,760 names. |
FHL book 973 V3br |
Alternate Title: Sons of the American Revolution Patriot & Grave Index |
http://patriot.sar.org |
1700–1868 |
D.A.R. Revolutionary War Burial Index Prepared by Brigham Young University |
FHL films 1307675–82 |
Alternate Title: D.A.R. website |
http://www.dar.org/library |
1700-1868 |
Hatcher, Patricia Law. Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots. Abstracts reported by the DAR. About 67,200 names. |
FHL book 973 V38h vols. 1 |
Also available on Ancestry.com under same title. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/DB.aspx?dbid=4110 |
Census Records |
1770-1920 |
Census indexes, 1790-80 and 1900-20. Old instructions said: In the window to the left click on Family History Library Catalog. Then select CENSUS or CENSUS – INDEXES from the topics that are listed. |
Go to http://www.familysearch.org Click on search from the homepage. Search-Cr desired locality. Then select CENSUS or CENSUS – INDEXES from the topics that are listed. Suggested Use: If a name has been misspelled or incorrectly indexed in the online census sometimes it can be identified in the book. |
Alternate Title: 1790-1940 Census Records online at FamilySearch. |
Go to http://www.familysearch.org. From the main page click Click on Search-Records. Use the Research By Location feature to search a specific title. |
Genealogies & Genealogical Collections |
1580–1900s |
Ancestral File & International Genealogical Index Family History Library Catalog-Surname Search |
Go to http://www.familysearch.org Click on Search-Genealogies or Search-Catalog and then use Surname Search. |
1600-1970 |
Daughters of the American Revolution. Genealogical Collection. Each volume is usually indexed. |
On 54 FHL films beginning with 860336 |
Alternate Title: DAR Library |
http://www.dar.org/library |
1700–1860 |
Daughters of the American Revolution. DAR Patriot Index. Centennial Edition. Lists Rev. War patriots and their spouses; about 100,000 names. See above for alternate title. |
FHL 973 C42da 1990, 3 vols. |
1797-1949 |
Grant, Orena V. Orena V. Grant Genealogical Collection: Marriage and Cemetery Records, From Southeastern, North, and South Central States. Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia. |
FHL book 973 V2g film 823747, item 1 962278 item 1, online https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/286298 |
Immigration Records |
1580-20s |
Filby, P. William, ed. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: A Guide to Published Arrival Records of About 500,000 Passengers Who Came to the United States and Canada in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. An excellent way to find information about immigrants. |
FHL book 973 W32p, & supplements; film 1597960 beginning with item 4. |
Also available on Ancestry.com under the title: “U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s” |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=7486 |
Military Records |
1700-1835 |
The Pension Roll of 1835. Indexed Edition. Vol. 4 has the index; vol. 1-list Revolutionary War soldiers; gives county of residence, state of service, and often age; often has data on soldiers who received pensions and died from 1820s-35. |
FHL book 973 M24ua 1992, 4 vols |
Also available on Ancestry.com under U.S. the Pension Roll of 1835. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=60514 |
1700–1840 |
A General Index to a Census of Pensioners For Revolutionary or Military Service, 1840 |
FHL book 973 X2pc index; film 899835 items 1–2; fiche 6046771 |
Also available on Ancestry.com under the title: “Revolutionary War Pensioner Census, 1841” |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=7678 |
1700–1860 |
White, Virgil D. Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files. |
FHL book 973 M28g vols. 1–4. |
Alternate Title: “Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900” Has images of pension records attached to entries. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=1995 |
1740–1900 |
White, Virgil D. Index to War of 1812 Pension Files. Lists the soldier and often his spouse. You can send to the National Archives for copies of the pension papers. |
FHL book 973 M22i, 3 vols. |
Alternate Title: Ancestry.com, “War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index, 1812-1815.” Has images of the original card index attached to entries. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=1133 |
1800–1933 |
United States Veterans Administration. Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards. For pensions from 1907–1933. Indexes the names of soldiers or their widows who received pensions from Civil War, War with Spain, and W.W.I. |
On 2,539 FHL films beginning with 1634036, online https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1832324 |
1800–1934 |
United States. Veterans Administration. General Index to Pension Files, 1861– 1934. This is a card index to pension applications of Civil War and Spanish-American War veterans; copies of the original files may be ordered from the National Archives. |
On 544 FHL films beginning with 540757 online https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1919699 |
Also available on Ancestry.com under title: “U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934.” |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/DB.aspx?dbid=4654 |
1878–1918 |
Haulsee, W. M. Soldiers of the Great War [WWI] At the time syllabus was prepared only Vol. 2 was online. |
FHL book 973 M23s; fiche 6051244; online https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/285556 |
1878–1918 |
United States. Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917–1918. Men ages 18 to 45 are listed alphabetically by county or draft board. |
On 134 FHL films beginning with 1683089; online https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1968530 |
1590-Present |
Periodical Source Index (PERSI) lists records (by place or surname) that were published in genealogical magazines or periodicals. This resource should not be overlooked. |
FHL book 973 D25per, fiche 6016863, 6016864; compact disc no. 61; Also available at HeritageQuest Online through most public libraries and on Find My Past go to http://www.findmypast.com/ then select Search Records-A to Z Record Set and enter title into the search field. |