Time Frame Covered |
Title of Collection or Index |
URL or Family History Library Call # |
Apprentice Records |
1600-1800 |
Gill, Harold B. Apprentices of Virginia, 1623-00. Lists about 2,000 apprentices with residence and beginning apprenticeship date. Sometimes has age, occupation, father’s name. |
FHL book 975.5 U2g; |
Also available on Ancestry.com under title: Virginia Apprentices, 1623-1800 |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=3111 |
Bible Records |
1580-1950 |
Virginia State Library Archives Branch. A Guide to Bible Records in the Archives Branch, Virginia State Library. Indexes Bible Records from Virginia, filmed about 1947. Alphabetical. |
FHL book 975.5 D23h, FHL films 029277-0 |
1580-1987 |
Virginia Historical Society. Index of Bible Records on File in the Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, June 1987. Alphabetical card index to the collection Bible records from Virginia. Filmed about 1954.Three alphabetical series. |
Index is on 7 FHL films beginning with 1508536 & Bible records are on FHL films 29890 and 29895-7. |
Biographies |
1580-1908 |
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. Men of Mark in Virginia, Ideals of American Life: A Collection of Biographies of the Leading Men in the State. Indexed in each volume. |
FHL book 975.5 D3m, vols. 1-4 |
Also available at Google Book under same title. |
http://books.google.com/books Then search by title |
1580-1915 |
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography. Indexed in each volume except 4-indexed in vol. 5. |
FHL book 975.5 D3tl, vols. 1- film 1000632 |
Also available at Google Book under same title. |
http://books.google.com/books Then search by title |
1580-1785 |
Goodwin, Edward L. The Colonial Church in Virginia: With Biographical Sketches of the First Six Bishops of the Diocese of Virginia, and Other Historical Papers. Together With a Brief Biographical Sketches of the Colonial Clergy of Virginia. At the back there are biographical sketches of all the Virginia Colonial clergymen. Indexed in Robert Stewart’s book. |
FHL book 975.5 K2g; fiche 6088014 |
Also available at ancestry.com under same title. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=10524 |
1600-1770s |
Stanard, William G. The Colonial Virginia Register: A List of Governors, Councilors and Other Higher Official, and Also of Members of the House of Burgesses, and Revolutionary Conventions of the Colony of Virginia. Lists names of officials. |
FHL film 982250, item 4; also available on Google Book. |
1688-1800 |
Foote, William Henry. Sketches of Virginia: Historical and Biographical. First series. Indexed in Robert Stewart’s book – see page 1. There was also a second series published about 1856. Not at the Family History Library, but it is indexed in Robert Stewart’s book. |
FHL book 975.5 H2f; film 1000631 item 1 |
Also available at Google Book under same title. |
http://books.google.com/books Then search by title |
1700-1835 |
Craighill, Robert T. Virginia Peerage, or, Sketches of Virginians distinguished in Virginia’s History. |
FHL film 1425713 item 1 |
1720-1908 |
French, S. Bassett. Biographical Sketches (Of Virginia.)Alphabetical. Filmed about 1949. |
FHL films 29664-7 |
Also available at Library of Virginia website. |
http://lva1.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/F click on Images and Indexes tab and select S Bassett French Collection from “Select Database(s) to Search” field. |
1632-1850 |
Meade, William. Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia. These volumes contain much historical and genealogical information. |
FHL book 975.5 K2m, vols. 1- film 896897 items 1- fiche 6087788 vol. 1; 6087789 vol. 2. Vol. 2 |
1580-1870 |
Brock, R. A. Virginia & Virginians: Eminent Virginians, Executives of the Colony of Virginia From Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the State of Virginia From Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powell Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury; History of Virginia, From Settlement of Jamestown to Close of the Civil War. Has biographical and historical information; a separate index. |
FHL film 897042, items 2; Fiche 6048346 for vol. 1; fiche 6048347 for vol. 2. |
Vol. 2 also online at Google Book. |
http://books.google.com/books then search by title. |
1580-1700s |
True, Ransom B. Biographical Dictionary of Early Virginia, 1607-60. Excellent for this very early period. Indexes many original records. FHL film 1750757 item 21 has a guide to this collection. |
On 22 FHL fiche beginning with 6332718 |
Cemetery Records |
1800-1869 |
Register of the Confederate Dead, Interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. Has names of soldiers, and death dates, 1861-69. Some ages are given. |
FHL book 975.5451 V3r; film 33625 |
Also available on Ancestry.com under title: Register of the Confederate dead, interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=30174 |
Census Records |
1640-1720 |
Virginia 1720: A Reconstructed Census. Compiled from deeds, wills, tax lists, court order books, etc. |
FHL book 975.5 X22t 1720 |
1660-1740 |
Virginia in 1740: A Reconstructed Census. The names were found in deeds, wills, tax lists, court orders, etc. |
FHL book 975.5 X22t 1740; film 1697799 item 3 |
1680-1760 |
Virginia in 1760: A Reconstructed Census. Compiled from deeds, wills, tax lists, court order books, from all counties. Has 46,772 names. |
FHL book 975.5 X22t 1760 |
1700-1787 |
Schreiner-Yantis, Netti. The 1787 Census of Virginia: an Accounting of the Names of Every White Male Tithable Over 21 Years, the Number of White Males Between 16& 21 Years, the Number of Slaves Over 16 & Those Under 16 Years, Together With a Listing of Their Horses, Cattle & Carriages, and Also the Names of All Persons to Whom Ordinary Licenses and Physician’s Licenses Were Issued. One of the volumes is an index. |
FHL book 975.5 R4sn, 3 vols. |
1720-1810 |
Schreiner-Yantis Netti A Supplement to the 1810 Census of Virginia: Tax Lists of the Counties For Which the Census is Missing. This book was compiled from tax lists. |
FHL book 975.5 R4s. |
1800-1890 |
Dilts, Bryan Lee. 1890 Virginia Census Index of Civil War Veterans or their Widows. Union and some Confederate soldiers. |
FHL book 975.5 X22d 1890; |
Also available online at FamilySearch.org as part of the title: 1890 Virginia census index of Civil War veterans or their widows |
https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1877095 |
Church Records |
1632-1850 |
Meade, William. Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia. These volumes contain much historical and genealogical information. |
FHL book 975.5 K2m, vols. 1- film 896897 items 1- fiche 6087788 vol. 1; 6087789 vol. 2. Vol. 2, online https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/218395 |
Court Records |
1622-1774 |
McIlwaine, H. R. Ed. Minutes of the Council and General Court of Colonial Virginia. Minutes taken 1622-74. |
FHL book 975.5 N2m 1979 |
1776-1777 |
McIlwaine, H. R. Ed., Continued by Journals of the Council of the State of Virginia [1776-91]. Includes records of the Council of Safety and land warrants. |
FHL book 975.5 N2vc; fiche 6046994; Vol. 1 online https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/172439 |
1580-1729 |
Des Cognets, Louis, Jr. English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records. English duplicates of land, court, rent records, sale of slaves, petitions, lists of county officers, etc. |
FHL book 975.5 N2d 1981; |
This book is also available online at ancestry.com http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=48412& at WorldVitalRecords http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/indexinfo.aspx?ix=qcdva6052_lostvirginia |
1580-1780s |
Fleet, Beverly. Virginia Colonial Abstracts. Originally published in 34 vols. Includes court, land, probate, vital, tax, and militia records of many counties. |
FHL book 975.5 N2fb 1988, vols. 1-34; can be viewed on a computer at the FHL or a FHC. Located in the Books feature of FamilySearch.org. |
Vol.1 of this book is also available at Ancestry.com http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=48429&path= |
Family History |
1580-1907 |
Wimberly, Vera Meek. Index to Some Prominent Virginia Families by Louise Pecquet du Bellet. This is as index to the source: Pecquet du Bellet, Louise. Some Prominent Virginia Families, |
FHL book 975.5 D2p index, vols. 1- |
1580-07 |
Pecquet du Bellet, Louise. Some Prominent Virginia Families, published in 1907 |
FHL book 975.5 D2p, vols. 1- fiche 6046974; FHL films 844907 item 1 and 1036136 items 1-2 |
Vol. 2 also available at Google Book under same title. |
http://books.google.com/books Then search by title. |
1580-1732 |
Foley, Louise P.H. Early Virginia Families Along the James River: Their Deep Roots and Tangled Branches. |
FHL book 975.5 R2f, vols. 1- film 1036802, item 5 has vol. 1; fiche 6046679 has vol. 1-3 |
Also available at Ancestry.com under same title. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=49134& http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=49135& http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=49136 |
1580-1775 |
Jester, Annie Lash. Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-24/5. Has information on Virginia’s earliest settlers with the families they married and descendants to about 1775. |
FHL book 975.5 H2j 1987 |
Vol. 1 available online at WorldVitalRecords under same title. Vol. 1 covers A-F. |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/& use their Card Catalog to search by title. |
1580-1960 |
Wardell, Patrick G. Timesaving Aid to Virginia-West Virginia Ancestors: A Quick-and-Easy Guide to Birth, Marriage, and Death Information in Publications Concerning County History, Churches, and the Families of Residents of Virginia and West Virginia. Indexes about 400 local and family history books. |
FHL book 975 D22w, vols. 1-5 |
1632-1850 |
Meade, William. Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia. These volumes contain much historical and genealogical information. |
FHL book 975.5 K2m, vols. 1- film 896897 items 1- fiche 6087788 vol. 1; 6087789 vol. 2. |
1700-1870 |
Heinegg, Paul. Free African-Americans of North Carolina and Virginia: Including the Family Histories of More Than 80% of Those Counted as “All Other Free Persons” in the 1790 and 1800 Censuses. Often mentions three generations. |
FHL book 973.6 F2hp |
1700-1975 |
Hansrote, Hazel Groves. Genealogical Records of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, 18th Century to 1975. Alphabetical. |
FHL films 984210-7 |
Genealogies & Genealogical Collections |
1580-1942 |
Genealogical Notes [Collection]. At the Virginia State Library. Alphabetical. |
FHL films 29883-29889 |
1580-1750, and a few later dates |
Crozier, William A. Virginia Heraldica: Being a Registry of Virginia Gentry Entitled to Coat Armor With Genealogical Notes of the Families. Published in 1908. Often has information about three generations in a family. Indexed in Wardell’s book, Timesaving Aid . . ., vol. 1, and Robert Stewart’s book. |
FHL book 975.5 D6v 1965; film 1033558 item 5 |
Also available at Archive.org under same title. |
http://archive.org/details/virginiaheraldic00croz. |
1580-1930 |
Stewart, Robert Armistead. Index to Printed Virginia Genealogies, Including Key Bibliography. Indexes about 800 local and family history books. |
FHL book 975.5 D22s 1976; film 962558item 2; fiche 6019375; |
1580-1970 |
Ardery, Julia Hoge Spencer. Ardery Collection, ca. 1750-70. Alphabetical in several series. |
On 81 FHL films beginning with 831459 |
1580-1980 |
Hart, Lyndon H. A Guide to Genealogy Notes & Charts in the Archives Branch, Virginia State Library. Has a name index to notes and charts. |
FHL book 975.5 D23ha |
1650-1800 |
Chalkley, Lyman. Chronicles of the Scots-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from Original Court Records of Augusta County, 1745-00. |
FHL book 975.5916 F2c 1989, vols. 1- films 162043-4 |
1700-1975 |
Hansrote, Hazel Groves. Genealogical Records of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, 18th Century to 1975. Alphabetical. |
FHL films 984210-7 |
1738-1908 |
Cartmell, T. K. Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and Their Descendants: A History of Frederick Co., Virginia, From Its Formation in 1738 to 1908, Compiled Mainly From Original Records of Old Frederic County, Now Hampshire, Berkeley, Shenandoah, Jefferson, Hardy, Clarke, Warren, Morgan and Frederick. From original records of old Frederick Co., now Hampshire Co., Berkeley, Shenandoah, Jefferson, Hardy, Clarke, Warren, Morgan, and Frederick Counties. |
FHL book 975.59 H2c 1963 film 1000634 item 1. |
Available online at Ancestry.com under same title |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=10569 |
1700-1976 |
Smith, Aubrey O. Smith-Rife Collection of New River Genealogy and Local History. Alphabetical. New River area includes counties in West Virginia, Virginia and Floyd County, Kentucky. |
FHL films 1036968-7; |
Histories |
1580-1915 |
Wardell, Patrick G. Virginians & West Virginians, 1607-70.An index to History of Virginia, Virginia, Rebirth of the Old Dominion, Lewis Co., pub. 1929, and History of West Virginia, vols. 1- |
FHL book 975 D2wp, 3 vols. In 4 [vol. 3 has 2 parts] |
Land Records |
1580-1625 |
Kingsbury, Susan Myra. The Records of the Virginia Company of London. Records for 1600-25. |
FHL book 975.5 U3k, vols. 1-3b film 962288 has vols. 1-2 through page 375; film 962289 has vol. 2 page 376 to end; film 29273 has vols. 3. Vol. 2-3b |
Alternate Title: Ancestry.com Database, Records of the Virginia Company of London, Volume I-IV |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=6551 |
1580-1834 |
Virginia Land Records: From the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly and Tyler’s Quarterly. Includes index. |
FHL book 975.5 R2v |
1580-1835 |
Palmer, William P. Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Manuscripts. Indexed at back of each volume. Letters etc. 1652- about 1835. Each volume is indexed. |
FHL book 975.5 N2p, vols. 1-; 8 films beginning with 29716; fiche 6046648 vols. 1, , 7-11. Also online at https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/76799 |
1580-1740 |
Smith, Annie L. Wight. The Quit Rents of Virginia. |
FHL book 975.5 R4sa; film 1035761 item 4 |
Alternate Title: Ancestry.com Database, The Quit Rents of Virginia, 1704. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=48421 |
1580-1762 |
Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants. Each volume is indexed. |
FHL book 975.5 R2n; Vol. 1, 1623-; vol. 1 is on film 1320779 item 5; vol. 2, 1666-; vol. 3, 1695-32; vol. 4, 1732-41; vol. 5, 1741-49; vol. 6, 1749-62. |
Vol. 1 available online at Archive.org under same title. |
http://archive.org/details/cavalierspioneer00nuge |
Available online at Ancestry.com under same title |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=48408 |
1580-1666 |
Greer, George Cabell. Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-66. Taken from land patents. Tells who brought the person to Virginia, the year, and the county where the land patent was located. Indexed in Filby’s Passenger and Immigration Lists Index. |
FHL book 975.5 D2gg; film 982423 item 8; fiche 6051247. Text of book is online at http://www.evmedia.com/virginia/. Copy of this book is available online at Ancestry.com http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=48437 and WorldVitalRecords. http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/indexinfo.aspx?ix=qcdva6026_earlyimmigrants |
1580-1699 |
Robinson, W. Stitt. Mother Earth-Land Grants in Virginia 1607-99. |
FHL book 975.5 A1 #81 |
Also available at Archive.org under same title. |
http://archive.org/details/motherearthlandg28499gut |
1700-1950 |
Jillson, Willard Rouse. The Kentucky Land Grants: a Systematic Index to All of the Lands Grants Recorded in the State Land Office at Frankfort, Kentucky, 1782-24. |
FHL book 976.9 B4f, no. 33; film 1000053 item 2, and film 272808; FHL book 976.9 R22ji, fiche 6051422-3 |
Companion Title: Kentucky Land Office at Kentucky Secretary of State website |
http://www.sos.ky.gov/admin/land/resources/Pages/default.aspx |
1700-1850 |
Jillson, Willard Rouse. Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds: A Complete Index to All of the Earliest Land Entries, Military Warrants, Deeds and Wills of Commonwealth Kentucky, With a New Preface. |
FHL fiche 6051260 |
Companion Title: Kentucky Land Office at Kentucky Secretary of State website |
http://www.sos.ky.gov/admin/land/resources/Pages/default.aspx |
1700-1850 |
Virginia. Governor. Virginia Grants, 1782-92.The index is on film 272809. Has Virginia land grants found in Kentucky county, Virginia, which later became Kentucky. |
FHL films 272809-7 |
Alternate Title: Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants/Northern Neck Grants and Surveys at the Library of Virginia website. |
Go to http://lva1.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/F then click on “Images and Indexes” and double click on “Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants” in the search field. The “Basic Search: Land Office Grants” search window will display for you to enter search details. |
1700-1850 |
Smith, Clifford Neal. Federal Land Series: A Calendar of Archival Materials on the Land Patents Issued by the United States Government, With Subject, Tract, and Name Index. Vol. 4 has Virginia land grants in Ohio. |
FHL book 973 R23s; vols. 1-on fiche 6087453- vols. 3-on film 1598041; Vol. 1, 3, & 4 are at WorldVitalRecords. Go to http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/ then use the Card Catalog search and search by title. |
1700-1858 |
Virginia. Governor. Bounty Warrants, 1779-60. Vouchers 1774-58 and enlistment dates. |
FHL films 029821-1 (Typed index on film 29850, A to P; film 29851, Pea to Z.) |
1700-1791 |
Brookes-Smith, Joan E. Master Index, Virginia Surveys and Grants 1774-91. Gives name, acres, county watercourses, survey date and reference, grantee, grant date and reference. |
FHL book 976.9 R22b; film 1320833 item 6 |
1700-1820 |
Kentucky. State Land Office. Military Warrants, 1782-88. Information from land warrants. |
FHL films 272979-80 |
Companion Title: Kentucky Land Office at Kentucky Secretary of State website |
http://sos.ky.gov/land/ |
1700-1789 |
Taylor, Philip Fall. A Calendar of the Warrants for Land in Kentucky, Granted for Service in the French and Indian War. From warrants dated about 1774-89. |
FHL US/CAN Fiche 6019959 |
Law |
1580-1792 |
Hening, William Waller. The Statutes at Large, Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia From the First Session of the Legislature in the Year 1619: Published Pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, Passed on the Fifth Day of February, One Thousand Eight hundred and Eight. Indexed in Swem’s Virginia Historical Index. |
FHL book 975.5 P3h 1969, vols. 1-; films 897221-7; 162,029-0; fiche 6051115. |
Also available at Archive.org under same title. |
http://archive.org/details/statutesatlargeb01virg |
1600-1780 |
Virginia Council. Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia. Has records 1680-75. |
FHL book 975.5 N2v, vols. 1- film 599302 item 2 has vol. 1, online https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/76543. |
1700-1782 |
Church, Randolph W. Virginia Legislative Petitions: Bibliography, Calendar, and Abstracts From Original Sources, 6 May 1776- June 1782. Has names, dates, county of residence, abstract of information, and source citation. |
FHL book 975.5 P33c |
Military Records |
1620-1776 |
Crozier, William A. Virginia Colonial Militia 1651-76. |
FHL book 975.5 M2c; fiche 6048997 |
1620-1783 |
H.J. Eckenrode, List of the Colonial Soldiers of Virginia. |
FHL book 975.5 M2vl 1965; fiche 6046993 |
Also available at ancestry.com under same title. |
http://archive.org/details/listofrevolution00virg |
1620-1790 |
Bockstruck, Lloyd DeWitt. Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers. |
FHL book 975.5 M2bL |
Also available at ancestry.com under same title. |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=48434 |
1700-1902 |
Brown, Margie. Genealogical Abstracts, Revolutionary War Veterans, Scrip Act 1852. Mainly Virginia families. Based on land grants to honor Virginia Act of 1781 granting bounty land to veterans. Has 1,689 files. |
FHL book 973 R28b |
1700-1835 |
McAllister, Joseph T. Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War: McAllister’s Data. Note: There are several sections and indexes. |
FHL book 975.5 M28m; fiche 6089080. Also online at https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/72809 |
1700-1840 |
Dorman, John Frederick. Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications. Alphabetical. Surnames A to Harding have now been abstracted and published in this on-going series. |
FHL book 975.5 M28d vols. 1-51 |
Alternate Title: Revolutionary War pensions on Fold3 website. |
http://www.fold3.com/title_467/revolutionary_war_pensions/ |
1700-1850 |
Eckenrode, H. J., comp. List of the Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia, Supplement. Lists about 35,000 soldiers. |
FHL book 975.5 M23v 1912; film 928145 item 14; fiche beginning with 6051268. Supplement film 547176; fiche 6051262. |
Alternate Title: Revolutionary War pensions on Fold3 website. |
http://www.fold3.com/title_467/revolutionary_war_pensions/ |
1700-1850 |
Brumbaugh, Gaius M. Revolutionary War Records: Virginia Army and Navy Forces With Bounty Land Warrants For Virginia Military District of Ohio, and Virginia Military Script, From Federal and State Archives. Information taken from land warrants. |
FHL book 975.5 M2b; film 1036547 item 2; fiche 6049644; also online at https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/72773. |
1700-1850 |
Burgess, Louis A. Virginia Soldiers of 1776: Compiled from Documents on File in the Virginia Land Office, . . . and other Reliable Sources. Genealogical information regarding bounty land awards, etc. Index is at end of volume 3. |
FHL book 975.5 M2bv vols. 1- |
1700-1850 |
Revolutionary War State Pensions and Index (Virginia) |
FHL film 29853-66 |
Alternate Title: Revolutionary War Virginia State Pensions |
Go to http://lva1.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/F then click on “Images and Indexes” and double click on “Revolutionary War Virginia State Pensions” in the search field. The “Basic Search: Rev. War Pensions” search window will display for you to enter search details. |
1700-1850 |
Revolutionary War Rejected Claims and Index of Soldiers from Virginia, 1811-51. Filmed at the Virginia State Library. |
FHL films 29867-2, index is on film 029882 |
Alternate Title: Revolutionary War Rejected Claims |
Go to http://lva1.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/F then click on “Images and Indexes” and double click on “Revolutionary War Rejected Claims” in the search field. The “Basic Search: Rev. Rejected Claims” search window will display for you to enter search details. |
1700-1958 |
Daughters of the American Revolution (Virginia). Roster of Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution 1890-58. At the end is a list of Revolutionary War soldiers, the name of one or more descendants, and their National DAR number. |
FHL book 975.5 C4d |
Alternate Title: DAR Library |
http://dar.org/library/ |
1700-1880 |
United States. Auditor for Interior. Virginia Half Pay and Other Related Revolutionary War Pension Application Files, ca. 1778-75. Alphabetical. |
FHL films 1024434-2 |
1700-1781 |
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims Recorded in County Court Booklets, Lists& Index (Virginia). Alphabetical. |
FHL films 29809-2; 29813-7 |
1700-1781 |
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims Commissioners Books, 1783. |
FHL films 29819-0; index on films 29813-8 |
1700-1783 |
Gwathmey, John Hastings. Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, 1775-83. Lists about 64,000 soldiers. At the end, this has list of units, and their chief officers. |
FHL book 975.5 M23g |
Also available on WorldVitalRecords under same title. |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/ Then use the Card Catalog search to find by title. |
1700-1783 |
Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard. Virginia Revolutionary Publick Claims. Tells what supplies and services individuals provided to help the war cause, 1779-83. Indexes the two sources below. |
FHL book 975.5 P28a, vols. 1-3 |
1740-1900 |
Butler, Stuart Lee. A Guide to the Virginia Militia Units in the War of 1812. Lists are by county and give names of officers only. |
FHL book 975.5 M2bs |
1750-1815 |
Butler, Stuart Lee. Virginia Soldiers in the United States Army, 1800-15. This is taken from the Registers of Enlistments in the U.S. Army, 1798-14. Tells town or state of birth. Includes men in the War of 1812. |
FHL book 975.5 M2bvs |
1800-1902 |
Confederate Pension Applications, Virginia, Acts of 1888, 1900,1902; Index, 1888-34. Have an alphabetical index but it is incomplete. The applications are in three groups by acts: 1888, 1900, and 1902. |
FHL films 1439763-5 |
1800-1665 |
United States. Adjutant General’s Office. Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers who Served in Organizations from the State of Virginia. Alphabetical. Not complete. |
FHL films 881395-6; online under the title: United States, Civil War Soldiers Index https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1910717 |
1800-1965 |
Virginia. Office of the Secretary of Virginia Military Records. Index to Confederate Service Records of Virginia; Confederate Service Records of Virginia, 1861-65. Not complete. |
FHL films 29777-8; For similar record collection see Fold3.com and Ancestry.com’s Military Collection. |
1800-1865 |
Brock, Robert A. The Appomattox Roster: A List of Paroles of Army of Northern Virginia Issued at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. |
FHL book 975.5 M23br; film 896966 item 2 |
1900-1945 |
Gold Star Honor Roll of Virginians in the Second World War. Lists those who died in World War II; gives the name and city of residence of one or more survivors. See introduction for information on biographical questionnaires filled in by relatives. |
FHL book 975.5 M2g; film 1698052 item 7 |
Obituaries |
1720-1804 |
McIlwaine, Henry R. Index to Obituary Notices in the Richmond Enquirer from May 9, 1804 through 1828 and the Richmond Whig From January, 1824, Through 1838. |
FHL book 975.5 A1 #52 film 908702 item 6. |
Also available on Ancestry.com under the title: Richmond, Virginia Newspaper Obituaries, 1804-38 |
http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=4183 |
1660-1820 |
Hall, Virginius Cornick. Abstracts of Marriage and Obituary Notices in Virginia Newspapers Before 1820. |
FHL films 1508537 for Abbott-Dean; 1508567 for Deane-Morriss; 1508568 for Morse-Southall; 1508569 for Snell-Zoll. |
Periodicals |
1580-1932 |
Barclay, Kathryn. Index to Sons of the Revolution in the State of Virginia Quarterly Magazine, Volumes 1 through 9, 1925-32. Has many lines back to 1600s. |
FHL book 975.5 B2s index |
1580-1932 |
Sons of the Revolution in the State of Virginia Quarterly Magazine. |
FHL book 975.5 B2s; fiche 6048982-1 |
1580-1800 |
Genealogies of Virginia Families: From Tyler’s Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine. Has articles published up to 1952 in |
FHL book 975.5 D2gvf, vols. 1-4 |
1580-1800 |
Tyler’s Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine. Not all volumes are on microfilm. |
Book 973 B2t, 33 vols. to 1952; FHL films beginning with 1278 |
1580-1820 |
Genealogies of Virginia Families: From the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography .Has articles published up to 1964 in Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. |
FHL book 975.5 D2gv, vols. 1- film 1598068 |
1580-1820 |
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy |
FHL book 975.5 B2v; films beginning with 833381 |
1580-1925 |
McGhan, Judith. Virginia Vital Records: From the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly. Has birth, marriage, and death information from various records published in these major Virginia periodicals. |
FHL book 975.5 V2v vol. 1-5. |
1580-1930 |
Swem, Earl Gregg. Virginia Historical Index. This is an index to 1930 of these major Virginia periodicals: Tyler’s Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine; William and Mary Quarterly; Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. |
FHL book 975.5 H22s, vols. 1- films 485948-9; fiche 6046961. Vol. 1 online https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/65243 |
1580-1850 |
Genealogies of Virginia Families: From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Has articles published up to 1943 in William and Mary Quarterly Historical Magazine. |
FHL book 975.5 D2gvw, vols. 1-5 |
1580-1850 |
William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. |
FHL book 973 H25w, several series; films 1254- |
1580-1960 |
Virginia Appalachian Notes. A periodical. See annual indexes. |
FHL book 975.5 D25v |
1580-1965 |
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly Bulletin [later changed to Magazine of Virginia Genealogy. See index in each volume. |
FHL book 975.5 B2vs |
1580-1783 |
Virginia Tax Records: From the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly. In the notes there are dates to about 1850. |
FHL book 975.5 R4v |
1580-1991 |
Master Index to The Huguenot: The Biennial Publication of the Huguenot Society, Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia, and Index to Vestry Book of King William Parish, of Virginia, 1707-50. The Huguenots married into many other Virginia families, thus it is worth checking the index. Indexes the magazine |
FHL book 975.5 B2hm index; film 1697534 |
1580-1991 |
The Huguenot. |
FHL book 975.5 B2hm |
1580-Present |
Dorman, John Frederick. The Virginia Genealogist. There are indexes for vols. 1- and 21-. The Virginia Genealogist is also available on compact disc. This periodical was started after 1930 and is not indexed in Swem’s Virginia Historical Index. |
FHL book 975.5 B2vg index |
1580-Present |
Topp, Bette Butcher. VA/ WVA Queries. A periodical. Has queries and the names of the researchers. |
FHL book 975 D25v; fiche 6104904 issues 1- 6105018 issues 5- |
1580-Present |
Watson, Hugh S. Virginia Tidewater Genealogy Bulletin. A periodical for counties next to the ocean. See annual indexes. Has surname index and exchange. |
FHL book 975.5 D25vt; film 1955382 has vols. 1- and their index; film 1955383 has vols. 12- 21; film 1955384 has vols. 22- |
1700-1840 |
Virginia Military Records: From the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly. |
FHL book 975.5 M2vm |
Also available at WorldVitalRecord under same title. |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/. Use the Card Catalog Search to find by title. |
Probate Records |
1580-1853 |
Hopkins, William Lindsay. Some Wills from Burned Counties of Virginia and Other Wills not Listed in the Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-00. Has abstracts. Well indexed. |
FHL book 975.5 P2h |
1580-1884 |
Torrence, Clayton. Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-00: An Index of Wills Recorded in Local Courts of Virginia, 1632-00, and of Administrations on Estates Shown by Inventories of the Estates of Intestates Recorded in Will and Other Books of Local Courts, 1632-00. |
FHL book 975.5 P22t; film 844943 item 1 |
Alternate Title: Index to Wills and Administrations on Library of Virginia website. |
http://lva1.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/F click on Images and Indexes tab and select “Wills and Administration, Index to” from “Select Database(s) to Search” field. |
1580-1798 |
Currier-Briggs, Noel. Virginia Settlers and English Adventurers: Abstracts of Wills, 1484-98, and Legal Proceedings, 1560-00, Relating to Early Virginia Families: With an Added Preface to the American Edition. Abstracts of early English wills mentioning settlers in Virginia. |
FHL book 975.5 P2cb, 3 vols. in 1. |
Tax Records |
1700-1775 |
Woodson, Robert F. Virginia Tithables from Burned Record Counties: Buckingham, 1773-74; Gloucester, 1770-71, 1774-75; Hanover, 1763 and 1770; James City, 1768-69; Stafford, 1768 and 1773. Years 1768-75. |
FHL book 975.5 R4w |
Vital Records |
1580-1800 |
Wulfeck, Dorothy Ford. Marriages of Some Virginia Residents, 1607-00. |
FHL book 975.5 V2w 1986, vols. 1-2, |
Also available at WorldVitalRecord under same title. |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/. Use the Card Catalog Search to find by title. |
1580-1850 |
Automated Archives, Inc. Marriage Records, Early-50. Southern States, Vol. 1. For Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. |
FHL compact disc 9 parts 227-9 |
1580-1850 |
Dodd, Jordon R., ed. Virginia Marriages, Early to 1800: A Research Tool. |
FHL book 975.5 V2vi |
1580-1850 |
Bentley, Elizabeth P. Indexed by. Virginia Marriage Records: from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly Indexed by Elizabeth Bentley. |
FHL book 975.5 V2v; also available at WorldVitalRecord http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/. Use the Card Catalog Search to find by title. |
Also available at WorldVitalRecord under same title. |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/. Use the Card Catalog Search to find by title. |
1580-1853 |
Some Marriages in the Burned Records Counties of Virginia. |
FHL book 975.5 V2s |
1620-1860 |
McDonald, Cecil D. Virginia Marriages, 1700-99. |
FHL films 874298, item 5; 874371, item 4; 874443 item 15, 1613114, item 9 |
1620-1875 |
Richardson, Flora Fore. Virginia Marriage Bonds 1700-00. |
FHL book 975.5 V2r; fiche 6125452 |
1660-1800 |
Cappon, Lester J. Virginia Gazette Index, 1736-80. Indexes marriage and death notices. The newspapers for 1736-80 are on films 29718-. |
FHL book 975.54252 B32c; film 1036212, items 2- fiche 6051225. |
1660-1820 |
Hall, Virginius Cornick. Abstracts of Marriage and Obituary Notices in Virginia Newspapers Before 1820. |
FHL films 1508537 for Abbott-Dean; 1508567 for Deane-Morriss; 1508568 for Morse-Southall; 1508569 for Snell-Zoll. |