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A Bibliograhpy of Forgotten Statewide Collections and Indexes: Tennessee Titles

Time Frame Covered Title of Collection or Index URL or Family History Library Call #
Bible Records
1700–1950s Bible Records of Families of East Tennessee and their Connections from Other Areas. FHL book 976.8 D2d, vols.; 1–3 films 874325 items 1–2 have vols. 1–2 vol. 3 is on film 874326 item 1 fiche 6051515–7, 20 fiche. Vol. 1 online
1700–1970 Tennessee State Library and Archives. Manuscript Section. Bible Record Collection, ca. 1700–1970. FHL films 975600–604
1740–1957 Reynolds, Bess, comp. Records of Southern Families: From Bibles, Tombstones, Sketches, Newspapers, 1740–1957. Collected by Bess Reynolds. FHL film 227514 item 2
1766–1938 Church, Cemetery, Bible, and Family Records from Tennessee. Prepared by the Historical Records Survey. Includes an index. FHL films 024527–530
1700–1927 Acklen, Jeanette Tillotson. Tennessee Records: Bible Records and Marriage Bonds FHL book 976.8 D2aj; films 823813 item 4 and 164696 film 1000313 item 1. Also available for online review at the FHL or one of its centers and at
1700–1886 Presley, Mrs. Leister E. (Cloie). Biographic Index to the History of Eastern, Middle, and Western Tennessee. The film title is Goodspeed History of Tennessee. FHL book 976.8 H2h index 1970, 3 vols. in 1 The original history is on FHL films 899865, eastern Tenn.899866, middle Tenn. 899867, western Tenn. Vol 2 online
1700–1911 Burnett, James J. Sketches of Tennessee’s Pioneer Baptist Preachers: Being, Incidentally, a History of Baptist Beginnings in the Several Associations in the State . . . FHL book 976.8 D3bu
1700–1976 Crutchfield, James A. Timeless Tennesseans. Contains biographies of prominent persons from Tennessee. FHL book 976.8 D3cj
1730–1903 Allison, John Roy V. Notable Men of Tennessee: Personal and Genealogical With Portraits. FHL film 024567
1740–1991 McBride, Robert M. Biographical Directory of the Tennessee General Assembly. Each volume is indexed. Often lists parents, spouse, and children. FHL book 976.8 D3mc, vols. 1–6
1755–1885 Speer, William S. Sketches of Prominent Tennesseans: Containing Biographies and Records of Many of the Families Who Have Attained Prominence in Tennessee. FHL book 976.8 D3s, 1 vol. in 2 film 833388, or 874322 items 1–2 About 120 names.
Also available at under same title.
Cemetery Records
1700–1933 Acklen, Jeannette Tillotson. Tennessee Records: Tombstone Inscriptions and Manuscripts, Historical and Biographical. FHL book 976.8 V3ac; film 1000313 item 2
Also available at under same title.
1700–1950 Cemetery Records of Tennessee. FHL book 976.8 V3c, vols. 1–2; film 874007 items 1–2
1766–1938 Church, Cemetery, Bible, and Family Records from Tennessee. Prepared by the Historical Records Survey. Includes an index. FHL films 024527–530
1740–1880 McCown, Mary Hardin. Soldiers of the War of 1812 Buried in Tennessee. About 1,700 names. FHL book 976.8 M2hm
Census Records
1700–1790 Fulcher, Richard C. 1770–1790 Census of the Cumberland Settlements:Davidson, Sumner and Tennessee Counties (in What is Now Tennessee). Includes the area that was Washington County, North Carolina, which became Davidson County, Tennessee on April 14, 1783. FHL book 976.8 X2f
Also available at under same title.
Also available at WorldVitalRecords under same title. Then search by title.
1700–1791 McGhee, Lucy Kate. Partial Census of 1787–1791 of Tennessee as Taken from the North Carolina Land Grants. There is an index at the end of parts 1, 2, and 3. Many of the land grants are dated 1778. Parts 1 and 2 US/CAN Film 1728882 Item 4; part 3, film 1683130, item 3
1770–1850 Williams, Mike K. Virginians in Tennessee, 1850. Taken from the Tennessee 1850 Census. Gives the name, age, name and age of spouse and their age, and county of residence. FHL book 976.8 W2w
1800–1890 Sistler, Byron. 1890 Civil War Veterans Census, Tennessee. Lists Civil War Union Army veterans or their widows. FHL book 976.8 X2s 1890 fiche 6048461.
Alternate Title: 1890 United States Federal Census Fragment
Alternate Title: Census Online has the 1890 census for many of the Tennessee Counties.
1800–1890 Jackson, Ronald Vern, ed. Tennessee 1890 Census Index. Lists Civil War Union Army veterans or their widows. FHL book 976.8 X2j 1890
Alternate Title: 1890 United States Federal Census Fragment
Alternate Title: Census Online has the 1890 census for many of the Tennessee Counties.
1810–1891 Reed, Sue S. Enumeration of Male Inhabitants of Twenty-One Years of Age and Upward, Citizens of Tennessee, January 1, 1891, as Provided For by an Act of General Assembly of Tennessee, Passed January 15, 1891, and Approved January 22, 1891.This census was taken to list male voters. Usually gives their ages. This is a substitute for the 1890 census: Listed and indexed by county. FHL book 976.8 X2r 1891
Church Records
1766–1938 Church, Cemetery, Bible, and Family Records from Tennessee. Prepared by the Historical Records Survey. Includes an index. FHL films 024527–530
1770–1913 Sistler, Byron. Vital Statistics from 19th Century Tennessee Church Records. FHL book 976.8 K29s, vols. 1–2 fiche 6088427, vol.1, 4 fiche 6088428 vol. 2, 3 fiche
Court Records
1700–1914 Fischer, Marjorie Hood. Tennessee Tidbits, 1778–1914: A Collection of Items Showing Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce, Guardianship, Naturalization, Illegitimacy, Lunacy, Migration, Residency, Relationship, Adoption, Disability, Military Service, Emancipation, Tribute, Apprenticeship, etc. Contains abstracts of county court records, such as County Court, Quarter Sessions, Circuit Court, and Chancery Court. FHL book 976.8 P2f, vols. 1–3
Genealogies & Genealogical Collections
1700–1880s State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Library. Calendar of the Tennessee and King’s Mountain Papers of the Draper Collections of Manuscripts. This indexes series part of the Draper collection. FHL book 977.5 A3ws, vol. 3 1983 film 896963 item 2
Also available at under same title.
1700–1900s McClung, Calvin M. McClung Historical Collection. (Not at the FHL.) This collection is at the East Tennessee Historical Center. They have files on families and can make photocopies. There is a charge for out-of-state requests.
Alternate Title: Calvin Morgan McClung Historical Collection
1700–1937 Allen, Penelope Johnson. Leaves from the Family Tree. This is a reprint of family genealogies printed in the Chattanooga Sunday Times, 1933–1937. Includes an index. The original clippings are on film 1036445 item 2. About 18,000 names. FHL book 976.8 D2
1700–1970 Daughters of the American Revolution (Tennessee). Genealogical Collection. A surname index to this collection is found in Kirkham’s book mentioned under General United States. On 101 FHL films beginning with 850670
Alternate Title: DAR Library
1700–1975 Cowart, Margaret M., comp. Ancestor Charts. Contains 500 pedigrees of families from central Tennessee. Includes an index. FHL book 976.859 D2h
1700–1985 Stricklin, Carolyn West. Membership Roster and Soldiers: Tennessee State Society of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1970–1984. The Family History Library only has volume 3. Lists the members in 1985 and also lists the Revolutionary War ancestor and his family. FHL book 976.8 C4m, vol. 3
1700–1994 Tennessee Settlers and Their Descendants: Genealogical Data About Some of the Men and Women Who Helped Shape the Volunteer State. Published by the Tennessee Genealogical Society. Contains lineages down to 1994. FHL book 976.8D2t
1700–1800 Williams, Samuel Cole. Early Travels in the Tennessee Country, 1540–1800. FHL book 976.8 H2wi
1700–1800 Ramsey, James Gettys McGready. The Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century: Comprising Its Settlement, as the Watauga Association, From 1769 to 1777 a Part of North Carolina from 1777 to 1784 the State of Franklin, from 1788 to 1790 the Territory of the U. S., South of the Ohio, from 1790 to 1796 the State of Tennessee, From 1796 to 1800. FHL book 976.8 H2r film 24525 item 1 available free at Google Books.
1700–1850 Williams, Samuel Cole. History of the Lost State of Franklin. This has information on the early history of Tennessee. The index does not appear to list all the females. FHL book 976.8 H2w; film 1000311 item 5
1700–1886 Index to the History of Tennessee. Indexes Goodspeed’s History of Tennessee. Indexed by the Genealogical Society of Utah. For an additional Goodspeed’s index see the item below. FHL book 976.8 H2h index 1974 film 973030 item 3
Alternate Title: Goodspeed’s History of Tennessee, County Histories
1700–1886 McDowell, Samuel R., ed. East Tennessee History: Reprinted from Goodspeed’s History of Tennessee. This is the first section of the Goodspeed’s History of Tennessee, mentioned above. FHL book 976.8 H2e
1700–1924 Ray, Worth S. Tennessee Cousins: A History of Tennessee People. FHL book 976.8 D2r 1968 film 176661
1700–1950 Moore, John Trotwood. Tennessee, the Volunteer State, 1760–1923. Each volume has an index. FHL book 976.8 D3m, vols. 1–4; vols. 1–2 on film 1425667 items 1–2 vols. 3–4 on film 1425668 items 1–2; all vols online
1700–1960 Folmsbee, Stanley John. History of Tennessee. Volumes 3 and 4 contain biographies. FHL book 976.8 H2fs, vols. 1–4
Land Records
1700–1850 Burgner, Goldene Fillers. North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee, 1778–1791. Many of these land grants were to North Carolina Revolutionary War soldiers. FHL book 976.8 R2b; (FHL film 024541 has a list of the grants in numerical order, but without an index).
Alternate Title: North Carolina Land Grants in TN 1778-1791
1700–1950 Tennessee. Governor. Land Grants, 1775–1905, 1911. Includes index to most of the following land grants: Watauga Purchase, 1775–82; Hiwassee, 1820–24; Middle Tennessee, 1827–1911; Mountain District, 1807–1902; Ocoee District, 1839–99; West Tennessee, 1826–79 and Eastern District, 1808–1903. FHL films 1002725–747 Film 1002714 indexes the Watauga grants, 1775–1782, and the grants are on film 1013360.
1760–1871 Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records. Includes an index. FHL film 599551 items 2, 3, and 4
Military Records
1700–1850 Allen, Penelope Johnson. Tennessee Soldiers in the Revolution: a Roster of Soldiers Living During the Revolutionary War in the Counties of Washington and Sullivan. FHL book 976.89 M23a fiche 6049271
1700–1850 Bates, Lucy W. Roster of Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution Buried in Tennessee. Revised by Helen Crawford Marsh, 1979. About 3,600 names. FHL book 976.8 V3b
1700–1850 Armstrong, Zella, comp. Some Tennessee Heroes of the Revolution. Pamphlets 1-5 were published in this book. About 450 names. FHL book 976.8 M2so, nos. 1–5 1975 film 1036620 item 2
1700–1890 Armstrong, Zella. Twenty-four Hundred Tennessee Pensioners: Revolution – War of 1812. About 2,400 names. FHL book 976.8 M2az 1987
1740–1880 Sistler, Byron. Tennesseans in the War of 1812. Lists soldiers, their rank, and their unit. FHL book 976.8 M22s; film 1697905 item 3
1740–1890 Armstrong, Zella. Twenty-four Hundred Tennessee Pensioners: Revolution – War of 1812. About 2,400 names. FHL book 976.8 M2az 1987
Alternate Title: WorldVitalRecords Database, Some Tennessee Heroes of the Revolution covers similar data.
1800–1865 United States. Adjutant General’s Office. Consolidated Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers. National Archives publication M253. This lists soldiers from all of the Confederate states. FHL films beginning with 821594
Alternate Title: Database, U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
1800–1865 United States. Adjutant General’s Office. Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Tennessee. The compiled records are also on film. FHL films 821889–904
Alternate Title: United States, Civil War Soldiers Index
1800–1910 Tennesseans in the Civil War: A Military History of Confederate and Union Units With Available Rosters of Personnel. Has an alphabetical list of Confederate soldiers. FHL book 976.8 M2t, vols. 1–2 fiche 6046966, 13 fiche.
1800–1910 Sistler, Samuel. Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications. This was completed in 1994 and contains many corrections and additions to the index below. FHL book 976.8 M22s index fiche 612500.
Alternate Title: Database, Tennessee, Civil War Confederate Pension Applications Index
1800–1910 Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications. Part 1 lists soldiers part 2, widows part 3, black soldiers and part 4, addendum. Use this index first and if needed check the indexes below. About 33,000 names. FHL book 976.8 M24t, film 873919 item 1 film 1000313 item 3 fiche 6051232, 4 fiche
Alternate Title: Database, Tennessee, Civil War Confederate Pension Applications Index
1800–1940 Dyer, Gustavus W. The Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionnaires. Questionnaires were collected between 1915 and 1922 from surviving veterans about Civil War experiences, their families, and pre-war life. Has questionnaires from 115 Union veterans, and 2,715 Confederate veterans. FHL book 976.8 M2dg, vols. 1–5
Alternate Title: Tennessee Civil War Veterans’ Questionnaires at the Tennessee Department of State Archives and Libraries website.
1800–1960 Wiefering, Edna. Tennessee’s Confederate Widows and Their Families: Abstracts of 11,190 Confederate Widows Pension Applications. Provides maiden name, residence, year and place of birth, soldier’s name, year and place of birth, year and place of marriage, year and place of soldier’s death. FHL book 976.8 M28w
1800–1965 Tennessee Board of Pension Examiners. Confederate Pension Applications: Soldiers and Widows, 1891–ca. 1965. Lists soldiers and widows. Has separate indexes for soldiers and widows’ applications. FHL films beginning with 978497, 181 reels
1800–1965 Tennessee. Confederate Soldiers’ Home. Soldiers’ Applications for Admission,1889–ca. 1965. FHL films 969840–842
1800–1978 United Daughters of the Confederacy, Tennessee Division. Confederate Patriot Index. Vol. 1 has application information, 1894–1924, vol. 2 from 1924–1978. These persons applied to join the Tennessee Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy. The volumes list the person’s Confederate ancestors and one or more descendants. About 23,250 names. FHL book 976.8 M2u, vols. 1–2 fiche 6046695.
1730–1900 Lucas, Silas Emmett. Marriages from Early Tennessee Newspapers, 1794–1851. FHL book 976.8 V2L
1700–1828 Eddlemon, Sherida K. Genealogical Abstracts of Tennessee Newspapers [1791–1828]. Includes births, marriages, deaths, sales, lost letters, unpaid taxes, local news, etc. FHL book 976.8 D2e, vols. 1–3
1700–1851 Lucas, Silas Emmett. Obituaries from Early Tennessee Newspapers, 1794–1851. FHL book 976.8 V4L
1700–1838 Meier, Oveda (Bowers). Tennessee Ancestors, Cumberland Captains and Their Kin. Has genealogical information about many early settlers of Tennessee. FHL book 976.855 D2m; fiche 6105068
1700–1995 Smith, Elizabeth Dale Hastin, ed. Tennessee & Kentucky Queries. Published from 1987 to 1995. Each volume is indexed. FHL book 976.8 B2tq
Probate Records
1700–1861 Sistler, Byron. Index to Tennessee Wills and Administrations, 1779–1861 FHLbook 976.8 P22s, fiche 6101646, 5 fiches
1760–1871 Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records.Includes an index. See item below for information on the complete Whitley collection. FHL film 599551 items 2, 3, and 4
Tax Records
1700–1820s Curtis, Mary Barnett. Early East Tennessee Tax Lists. About 93,000 names. FHL book 976.8 R4c
1700–1827 Sistler, Byron. Index to Early Tennessee Tax Lists. Has lists from 1783–1827. Gives the county and year of the tax list. Check the book below also. FHL book 976.8 R4s; film 1697905, item 5
Vital Records
1700–1800 Dodd, Jordan R., ed. Tennessee Marriages, Early to 1800: A Research Tool. FHL book 976.8 V22t
1700–1828 Eddlemon, Sherida K. Genealogical Abstracts of Tennessee Newspapers [1791–1828]. Includes births, marriages, deaths, sales, lost letters, unpaid taxes, local news, etc. FHL book 976.8 D2e, vols. 1–3
1700–1870 Lucas, Silas E., ed. 35,000 Tennessee Marriage Records and Bonds, 1783–1870. FHL book 976.8 V2t, vols. 1–3
1700–1876 Sistler, Byron. Early East Tennessee Marriages. Vol. 1 has grooms and vol. 2 has brides. Has marriage records for 1780–1876. FHL book 976.8 V2s, vols. 1– film 1597922 items 3–4
1700–1879 Sistler, Byron. Early Middle Tennessee Marriages. Vol. 1 has grooms and vol. 2 has brides. Has marriage records for 1787–1881. FHL book 976.8 V2sby, vols.1–2,films 1597922 items 5–6
1730–1890 Bamman, Gale Williams. Tennessee Divorces, 1797–1858: Taken from 750 Legislative Petitions and Acts. About 1,900 names. FHL book 976.8 P2b
1740–1856 Hays, Tony comp. West Tennessee Death Records. (FHL book 976.8 V2ht, vols. 1–2 vol. 1 is on fiche 6049000 vol. 2 is on fiche 6104323, 2 fiche.) Has death records, 1822–1856.
1760–1871 Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Tennessee Genealogical Records.Includes an index. See item below for information on the complete Whitley collection. FHL film 599551 items 2, 3, and 4
1770–1850 Marsh, Helen C. 1850 Mortality Schedule of Tennessee. Lists persons who died during the year ending 1June 1850. FHL book 976.8 X2m 1850
Alternate Title: Database, U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules Index
1770–1860 Index, Tennessee Mortality Records for the Year Ending June 1, 1850–1860. By the DAR. FHL book 976.8 V23d film 874005 item 4
Alternate Title: Database, U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules Index
1770–1880 Sistler, Byron and Barbara Sistler. Tennessee Mortality Schedules 1850, 1860, and 1880. FHL book 976.8 X2t film 1697901 item 5. Indexes the 1850, 1860, and 1880 mortality schedules. The 1870 mortality schedule was lost.
Alternate Title: Database, U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules Index
1770–1913 Sistler, Byron. Vital Statistics from 19th Century Tennessee Church Records. FHL book 976.8 K29s, vols. 1–2 fiche 6088427, vol.1, 4 fiche 6088428 vol. 2, 3 fiche
1780–1860 Jackson, Ronald Vern, ed. Tennessee 1860 Mortality Schedule. FHL book 976.8 X2m 1860
Alternate Title: Database, U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules Index
1780–1879 Sistler, Byron. Early West Tennessee Marriages. Vol. 1 has grooms vol. 2, has brides. FHL book 976.8 V2sb, vols. 1–2. Fiche 6100916–917.
1820–1912 Tennessee State Board of Health. Deaths (Enumerator Record Series), 1908–1912. FHL films 1308090–122 includes an index on films 338140–41
Alternate Title: Index to Tennessee Death Records 1908-1912